Letting go can be difficult. Some of us are better at it than others. Age tends to lead to easier acceptance, but for the most part, it requires a process. It’s rarely quick and painless. Instead, it’s a range of emotions, weighing options, making lists, talking to those around us…all kinds of ways to arrive at the point of fully realizing “this is no longer working for me!” Once you arrive, the actually process of pulling the trigger and moving forward follows. This all takes commitment, clarity and diligence.
Clients that come to Centerpoint Institute tend to need quite a bit of help with the process of letting go. Whether it’s needing permission or the space and know how to do it, it’s a valuable experience. The most difficult approach to letting go is to do it alone. The Centerpoint approach can be so transformative to our clients because we provide support and wisdom of experience—so you aren’t alone! We’re here to help facilitate the process with you—letting go, rebuilding, defining your purpose—it all has to start with the transition and uncertainty that morphs into the realization that it’s time to move on.
If you’re nodding your head and you feel you are facing “letting go,” then get in touch! If you are an Alumni and have friends or family that you know that may need our help, tell them about us! We’re happy to offer a free, 30-minute Introductory Counseling session, one-on-one with a career counselor. Helping you “make what you do, fit who you are,” is why we’re here. We couldn’t be prouder of you!